Franchise Claims

Xponential Fitness, Inc, (Xponential) is the “largest global franchisor of boutique fitness brands”, operating a vast network of 10 brands across multiple fitness verticals.

Are you a current or former Xponential Fitness franchisee?

If you’ve beem misled or suffered monetary losses as a result of being a franchisee of  Xponential Fitness or any of their brands, we may be able to help.

*XPOFclaims is an attorney advertisement from the Amaro Law Firm. Principal Attorney: James Amaro. Principal Office: Houston, TX.

Recognized By

XPOF Lawsuits
& Xponential Litigation

Franchisees have started to sue Xponential in courts across the U.S., alleging the company failed to disclose key financial metrics to franchisees while misrepresenting earnings and more.